The day and life of a student teacher


Katherine (Kitty) Hurst
Aspiring Teacher
110 B Vassar SE Albuquerque, NM 87106

Objective and Philosophy

Enrich the lives of students by obtaining a position as a Language Arts teacher

The purpose of the education system is to help children learn how to think critically. Clear thinking is the basis for democratic government and civilized interaction with others. Creating a strong classroom community is of utmost importance. Once students feel safe, their natural curiosity can be harnessed and learning can begin. My classroom will encourage individual thought and expression as the highest forms of achievement.

Education and Licensure

• New Mexico Secondary Education Teaching Licensure, endorsement in Language Arts (Expected May 2010)
• New Mexico Substitute Certification
• Master's in Secondary Education, University of New Mexico (expected May 2011)
• B.A. in Journalism and minor in English, University of New Mexico May 2008


Mrs. Terrie Gorrell, 10th grade English Albuquerque High School August 2009 - Current
Student Teacher
• Present and helpful in all five classes, academy collaboration meetings, and in-service trainings
• Teaching three classes, including classroom management, planning interactive units and assessing students
• Created modifications to units for ELL students and analyzed DBA scores to accommodate lesson plans to students' needs
• Active in building parent relationships through conferences, e-mail, phone correspondence
• Learned inner-workings of a school through volunteer work in library, activities office, and Special Ed. classroom

The Evolution Group Private Counseling Agency August 2008 – June 2009
Administrative Assistant
• Coordinated publicity and media relations for the Compulsive Gambling Treatment Clinic
• Optimized data entry and completed receptionist duties focusing on customer relations

Journeys in Excellence University of New Mexico June 2007 - May 2009
High and Low Ropes Team-building and Confidence Course Facilitator
• Facilitated icebreakers, portable activities, low and high ropes activities with all age groups
• Guided verbal processing, focusing on personal confidence and team-building skills
• Gained certification in rope course and safety procedures and trained new interns on the course

McCullum Elementary City of Albuquerque May 2001 – August 2001
Therapeutic Recreational Specialist
• Led activities with children in groups of 20 and worked one-on-one with children who have disabilities
• Conducted classes in art, literacy, and physical education and empowered students

Volunteer Experience

GROW December 2007 - May 2008
Developed campaign to create community gardens on UNM campus, established student organization Gardens Raise Our World (GROW) to sustain gardens and promote environmental awareness. Displayed positive attitude and teamwork skills.

Service Learning Class: Communicating Peace August 2007 - December 2007
Spearheaded media campaign for hunger awareness project, including originating a sustainable network for future classes. Helped become more community-oriented, resourceful and an innovative thinker. Experience in technology, such as Web site design and interactive Wiki programs.

Colorado Public Interest Research Group August 2003 - December 2003
Designed media aspects of several awareness projects, learned how to coordinate media events, helped build strong background in media literacy, news, journalism and communication skills.