The day and life of a student teacher

Monday, April 26, 2010


Today I was lucky enough to witness an "A-ha!" moment on a student's face. She figured out that it was Boo Radley that saved Jem and Scout from mean old Bob Ewell at the end of To Kill a Mockingbird. I asked her a question about the story and she thought for a minute, and then the realization washed over her face. Her eyes got big and she started squirming in her seat. It was so amazing! It is moments like this that make me realize I really am making a difference in students' lives.
After reading the predictions and repsponses from the students, I realized how beautifully hopeful they are. So many of these kids, even though they are 16 or so, still believe that good will overcome evil, that humans are essentially kind and that the world is a beautiful place. It makes me so happy to have these kids in my life on a daily basis. I feel blessed.

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