I recently sat in on another teacher's class here at AHS. I noticed his classroom was filled with books. There were books along the chalkboards, on shelves, in cabinets, on his desk -everywhere!
It made me look at my classroom and wonder, where are all the books? It is my goal ove rthe next two weeks to collect enough books to
fill these empty places.

I realized this was a presumptious post. I have not had the time or courage to bring in nay other books to the classroom. I had hoped to do an independent reading project sometime and do book talks every Friday, but I am just too busy and preoccupied right now. We put literature books on those shelves, so they are no longer empty. I don't have the funds to stock the room with books right now. This is a goal for when I have my own classroom and am not trying to teach, go to school, and work all the time.